District One North Wrestling
Pennridge’s Colin McConnell scores back points on Norristown’s Stephen Parker during the 145lb match at District One North finals at Quakertown High School Saturday night. Colin McConnell went on to win the match 16-2.
CB West's Steve Ferrara fights by bridging on his neck while Norristown’s David Irwin scores back points during the 119lb match at District One North finals at Quakertown High School Saturday night. David Irwin went on to win the match 6-5.
Mud Bowl
Neighborhood football has no off season for Anthony Conte, 33, of Warrington as he gets chased by Jeff Palo, 22, of Warrington during a game of two hand touch football Sunday morning in Hatboro. The unseasonably warm weather melted the snow that fell last week and left a muddy field to play on.
I Want the Ball
CB West’s Chris Dilullo #12 fights for the ball as CB East Brandon Boekel #23 makes a grab at the basketball during Tuesday night’s basketball game at CB East High School.
Pennridge’s Jesse Knepp #20 helmet is smashed into his face after a play during the 79th annual Thanksgiving Day football game between Quakertown and Pennridge in Quakertown Thursday morning.
Polly Wants What?
Santa Claus asks Ziggy a blue and gold Macaw what he wants for Christmas during a holiday event at Animal Junction, the Buck’s County educational and traveling zoo Sunday afternoon in Warminster Township.